BIRO Academy Session at EUBIROD General Assembly
Guildford, 24th-25th August 20115
State of Play of Diabetes Information in Europe
Part 1. The EUBIROD Network: Relevance for Quality Monitoring, Research and Policy
National Frameworks
Scotland (S.Cunningham, U.Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom) |
Slovenia (I.Stotl, U.Liubljana, Slovenia) |
Croatia (I.Pristas, Croatian Institute of Public Heath, Croatia) |
Germany (M.Jecht, Havelohe Hospital, Germany) |
Israel (I.Zucker, Ministry of Health, Israel) |
Latvia (L.Golosujeva, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Latvia) |
Poland (Przemyslawa Jarosz-Chobot, Medical University of Silesia, Poland) |
Norway (K.Fjeld Loevaas, NOKLUS, Norway) |
Sweden (Soffia Gudbjornsdottir, National Diabetes Register, Sweden) |
Finland (I.Keskimaki, THL, Finland) |
Romania( C.Purtill, Telemedica Consulting, Romania) |
Belgium (K.Doggen, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Belgium) |
Malta (J.Azzopardi, University of Malta, Malta) |
IDF Europe (Sehnaz Karadeniz, International Diabetes Federation European Region, Belgium) |
Currrent potential of the EUBIROD network (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK) |
Part 2. Underpinning the future of the EUBIROD Network
International Collaborations
OECD Lower Limb Amputation Rates (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK) |
OECD Health Information Infrastructure (C.T.Di Iorio, Serectrix, Italy) |
HIRS, EUCHRON and EU-CHRODIS (M.Massi Benedetti, HIRS, Italy) |
PARENT Joint Action (I. Stotl, University of Liubljana, Slovenia) |
The Bridge Health Project (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK) |