BIRO Academy Session at EUBIROD General Assembly

Guildford, 24th-25th August 20115

State of Play of Diabetes Information in Europe

Part 1. The EUBIROD Network: Relevance for Quality Monitoring, Research and Policy

National Frameworks

Scotland (S.Cunningham, U.Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom)
Slovenia (I.Stotl, U.Liubljana, Slovenia)
Croatia (I.Pristas, Croatian Institute of Public Heath, Croatia)
Germany (M.Jecht, Havelohe Hospital, Germany)
Israel (I.Zucker, Ministry of Health, Israel)
Latvia (L.Golosujeva, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Latvia)
Poland (Przemyslawa Jarosz-Chobot, Medical University of Silesia, Poland)
Norway (K.Fjeld Loevaas, NOKLUS, Norway)
Sweden (Soffia Gudbjornsdottir, National Diabetes Register, Sweden)
Finland (I.Keskimaki, THL, Finland)
Romania( C.Purtill, Telemedica Consulting, Romania)
Belgium (K.Doggen, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Belgium)
Malta (J.Azzopardi, University of Malta, Malta)
IDF Europe (Sehnaz Karadeniz, International Diabetes Federation European Region, Belgium)
Currrent potential of the EUBIROD network (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK)

Part 2. Underpinning the future of the EUBIROD Network

International Collaborations

OECD Lower Limb Amputation Rates (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK)
OECD Health Information Infrastructure (C.T.Di Iorio, Serectrix, Italy)
HIRS, EUCHRON and EU-CHRODIS (M.Massi Benedetti, HIRS, Italy)
PARENT Joint Action (I. Stotl, University of Liubljana, Slovenia)
The Bridge Health Project (F.Carinci, University of Surrey, UK)