EUBIROD Partner since 2005

Strada Vicinale Colle Cervone 40, 65125 Pescara, ITALY
Ph./Fax: +39 085 471 01 19
Scientific Coordinator and Official Delegate

Concetta Tania Di Iorio, MPH, Legal Expert.

Italian Australian, graduate in Law, University of Bologna, Italy (1993), Barrister (1995), Master in Public Health, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2003). Founder of Serectrix (2000). Expert in the field of privacy evaluation, with main interests in the international exchange of health information and the construction of privacy-enhanced health information systems. Consultant for the Regional Agency of the Tuscany Region in the field of frail elderly (2005); Evaluator for DG-RESEARCH, European Commission, in the ethical aspects of research projects; and the University of Perugia, Subcontractor, Leader of the workpackage “Privacy Impact Assessment” in the BIRO Project and Associated Partner, Task Leader of "Privacy Performance Assessment" in the EUBIROD project. Author of impact papers on the EU legislation on privacy in the European Journal of Public Health and the Journal of Medical Ethics, she is also collaborating with the OECD on the Strengthening Information Infrastructure Project. She also provides continuous legal advise to the HIRS for the management of the EUBIROD Network, and general advise to other research centres in the preparation and management of EU projects.

Scientific Coordinator and Official Delegate

Copyright © HIRS, Perugia, Italy