Simion Pruna.
Graduated in electronics and completed his PhD in Health electronics
applications at the University of Polytechnics, Bucharest.
After a postgraduate appointment in research at the National Institute of Metrology
(High-frequency electronics) in Bucharest and an appointment in the
Research Unit (Health electronics applications) at the main Pharmaceutical Company,
Bucharest, he moved from 1986 to the University Hospital, “Dr. I. Cantacuzino”
in Bucharest, Electrophysiology & Bioelectronics Laboratory of Diabetes Clinic
(later National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases),
becoming successively Senior Researcher and Research Professor (scientist grade 1).
He has been a partner of the EU-funded BIRO and EUBIROD projects.
As a Senior Research Scientist with trans-domain skills (electronics-ITC-medicine-biophysics)
he is active in utilizing both technical and clinical experience in medical research,
academia and industry, including involvement in the evaluation of the EU projects
for the EAHC and DG-RESEARCH. He has published over 150 research papers, many in
peer-reviewed publications.