NB: the contents of this page are extracted from the original project approved by the EU in 2004.
Best Information Through Regional Outcomes (BIRO) has been an international collaboration between innovative partners involved in
defining and applying common rules for the development of a Shared European Diabetes Information System (SEDIS) between 2005-2008.
The project was submitted in 2004 and finally started in September 2005, with a planned duration of 36 months, later extended to 42.
The workplan started from an accurate review of the best information available from research and policy,
to identify target indicators and data required to populate European Diabetes Reports.
The development of the system required the application of advanced statistical methods to work effectively even through
the exchange of small amounts of aggregated data. This solution allowed partner institutions to contribute
to the reporting system through the application of a common data model and the use of standard statistical routines
that can be similarly applied to produce the basic components of a European system.
The development of the BIRO approach relied on research conducted at the end of the 1990s in the area of clinical epidemiology.
It takes advantage from the statistical properties of multivariate models and meta-analytical methods. This means in practical terms
that overall results from different areas can be obtained by running separate analyses in parallel and then averaging all partial results
using appropriate mathematical formulas.
In BIRO, a region is not intended as an administrative jurisdiction, but as a geographical area where information
on the progression of diabetes and quality of care provided is collected and stored systematically and homogeneously.
The workplan does not require altering any routine data collection occurring at the regional level.
The core SEDIS works as an overarching decision support system connecting the different levels
of the regional health system to favour informed decision making and clinical governance.
The implementation of data processing techniques has been based on:
a population-based approach: epidemiologic and performance indicators taking into account
results obtained in a specific catchment area will represent a main target of the project
great cooperation among primary data collectors: data format will need to be widely applied
a knowledge integration design: the different components of the system will be connected and
technology widely disseminated among partners
The SEDIS data model is divided into two parts: a static part, related to data collection (hardly changes over time) and a more dynamic part,
related to medical concepts (more susceptible to changes in medical knowledge). Isolating the dynamic part will reduce the burden
of updating the software.
The complete SEDIS data cycle
is based on the application of two consecutive data processing steps. The fundamental aspect of the system is to ensure
its basic functionalities for each register (“local SEDIS”).
The model is then generalized through its repeated application across all registers, using an overall step that compiles all
“partial” results into a global report. The basic technical characteristics of the model have been described elsewhere;
here we present an outline of its realization in the context of diabetes.
Statistical analysis and epidemiological modelling of a disease register require an
in depth understanding of all aspects related to the characteristics stored in the database. The organization of biometric and
socio-demographic information needs to rely on solid classification criteria, e.g. normal levels of glycated haemoglobin using
different kits, or algorithms for the construction of an index of socio-economic status (SES). In these circumstances it is useful to
keep all definitions stored in a data dictionary using a common format .
If we include in such a “progressive diary” also more general clinical concepts, such as the list of tests recommended to patients with
hypertension, over 65, with a high level of glycated haemoglobin (guidelines)
, or a particular “severity score” (comorbidity index ), then the result would be a “concept and data
dictionary” (CDD).
The CDD in the context of a “local SEDIS” can be represented as a chain of steps logically intertwined (Fig. 1).
The availability of a CDD is essential to compare different analysis, both geographically and longitudinally. The CDD is the evidence-based
and first component in the model chain. It follows the definition of a minimum dataset and requires to be regularly updated. At the
opposite end of the chain there is the final output of the system, i.e. a health system report. The content of the report is based on the initial
specification of a template that influences the selection of data procedures and statistical methods (“database engine”
and “statistical engine”). Engines operate on top of the local databases that are not directly
accessible to other partners. The reports will result from the amalgamation of statistical “objects” (tables,
parameters, graphs) that will be produced in turn through the sequential application of the engines.

The definition of an overall model (global SEDIS) directly follows the local implementation (fig.2). Once the statistical objects
are available for each register, these can be exchanged across the network using some secure format. The level of aggregation chosen for
each object is a combination of: a) formal agreement – the parties will need to support the level of detail; b) legislation – privacy at
all levels, including individuals and institutions, need to be preserved; c) practical limits – not too much data can be rapidly
These are conditions that will be tested in practice through the BIRO collaboration. This project will acknowledge independent values and
judgment across partners. For instance, a partner may not agree on transmitting some kind of objects across the network, but some minimal
requirements can be met and be supported by other partners. For this reason a legislative review will be conducted in close collaboration,
so that each partner can reach an informed decision. Eventually, different procedures to summarize different types of objects will be
applied. Once objects reach a central location (server), these can be submitted to global database and statistical engines (central
engine) and will finally return a global health system report valid for the whole EU collaboration.
- As
a result of the data model specifications, the workplan spreads
across different WPs (fig 3) according to the following main
- coordination and project management
- building the “Knowledge Repository”
- developing the database and statistical engines
- ensuring secure transmission and information exchange
- dissemination of the results
Coordination and project management
- Activities
related to the coordination and project management include WPs that run
for the entire duration of the project, and include the WP1: “Coordination”,
WP13:“Project Management”, and WP15:“Evaluation”.
partners will be involved in these WPs, with evaluation led by the
University of Malta, with the supervision of the Scientific Advisory
Building the knowledge repository
first and most fundamental step towards the creation of SEDIS is the
progressive adoption of a series of concepts and standardized formats
that will be included in a shared “knowledge repository”.
A concept and data dictionary will result from the inclusion of criteria
that can be derived from the scientific literature (best practice
guidelines, eg. list of examinations required for the diagnosis and
follow-up of the diabetes patient, etc). The dictionary will include
also details relative to the characteristics included in the minimum
dataset and all derived variables.
WP2: “ Clinical Review” will conduct a semi-systematic review of best practice
guidelines that will define target indicators for diabetes care in
Europe; WP3: “Common Dataset” , through which a new
format will be created to extract data from local registers; and WP4:“Data Dictionary” ,
through which the newly defined scheme will be shared across centres,
in the form of XML meta-data. Identification of best formats for the minimum
dataset and the content of the data dictionary will progressively
advance through the active collaboration of participants to the WPs.
Developing the database and statistical engines
database and statistical functionalities with provide SEDIS with the
powerful data mining ability to screen and compile available data into
highly informative reports. These operations aim to provide users with
an opportunity to browse a range of pre-formatted epidemiological
reports and analyses without having to wait long times to have them
delivered by research professionals.
WP6 will build the “Database Engine”.
The database engine will be developed using SQL-compliant standards on
top of the meta-data formats identified by the concept dictionary. Advanced statistical routines will be
implemented within WP8: “Statistical Engine”. Because of
the particular structure of the target databases, it is envisaged that
use of mixed multilevel and marginal models as generalised estimating
equations (GEE) will be implemented to take into account correlated
observations. This feature is very valuable, since such models,
although highly relevant for health policy, have never been
structurally included in health information systems before. Because of
the particular distributed plan of SEDIS, the statistical engine will
include two components: the local analyser and the meta-analyser: while
the former will run on top of each single register, the WP10: “Central Engine” will focus on developing the same component to
produce results valid for the whole universe of participating
Database and statistical software will be produced using various open
source scripting and programming languages, in particular Python, Java,
MySQL/PostgreSQL, SAS and R. Software will be available as open source at
the end of the project and eventually implemented using other common
tools (MS products). Open source model development will be less costly
and innovation will be faster. To maximise speed and operability of the
system, all the programs will operate in batch mode (i.e. not
interactive). However, reports will be highly interactive
Ensuring secure transmission and information exchange
parallel with the construction of the software there will be an
evaluation of the privacy implications, which will later influence the
development of the communication protocols. This will occur with WP5:
“Privacy Impact Assessment” (PIA) [35], which
will be conducted to identify the impact of SEDIS on privacy, to ensure its adherence to data protection legislation and regulations and to
reduce evential adverse effects consequent to the introduction of new technologies.
There is in fact an enormous concern for privacy in diabetes registers. Currently no specific
legislation addresses disease registers, hence “the diabetes community
needs guidance and a framework for safe practice, if the perceived benefits
of these databases are to be realised”.
The PIA process will ensure compliance with EU and international data
protection laws, conventions, regulations and rules as a minimum acceptable practice. Its goals will be to
identify best practice in privacy protection through the definition of
guidelines arising from a comparative evaluation of different
alternatives under study. The application of this method will guarantee
that the deployment of SEDIS aligns with fundamental requirements, thus
ensuring its operability. The WP will present the following practical
- will provide clear responsibility of the use of the
proposed tools, involving proponents in the resolution, or at least in the
mitigation of possible adverse privacy effects arising from the usage
of the system
- will provide a cost-effective solution operating at an early stage of the study design,
when changes to meet privacy concerns are still easy to implement, as
opposed to resolution of privacy issues when systems are in fact
operational and difficult to change.
Communication software for data
transmission and exchange will necessarily follow the specifications
advised by the PIA. These steps will be implemented through WP9:
“Communication Software”. To
run properly, it is important that SEDIS could run on top of completely
de-identified information across the network and as far as possible
only using aggregated tables. Many statistical analyses are actually
possible using this approach, as most epidemiological outputs, with the
exception of the more sophisticated longitudinal multivariate models,
do not require individual records.
Some limits can also be
imposed to the depth of analysis in highly disaggregated reports
(including maps) to avoid that very sparse cells some way could hamper
privacy protection of either individuals and/or health care centres.
Whenever needed, individual records may only be collected using an
encrypted list of fake identifiers, avoiding the use of detailed
information for dates and locations.
For many of these aspects it will be essential that the B.I.R.O.
collaboration sets the proper limits, through standards regulated by
reciprocal agreement, that will be in large part determined through the
above two WPs.
Dissemination of the results
Dissemination of the results will be ensured through a set of WPs that will
pursue the widest access to the outputs of the collaboration.
A particular attention will be reserved to New Member States and Accessing Countries through WP12: “Technology Transfer”,
that will be dedicated to spread the B.I.R.O. knowledge-base across end-usersin the target countries. A series of
dedicated activities will involve partners of Romania, Malta and
Cyprus, to test use of our products for their needs and
the actual applicability of the software under different conditions from
those of the major registers. The WP will validate the generalisability
of the protocols developed and their effectiveness in real life
The actual content of health reports to be produced will be decided through WP7: “Report Templates”,
which will identify the most important structures needed to deliver
meaningful outputs for diabetes management. In doing this, it will be
important that those characteristics that have been found more
predictive by the specialized literature are adequately represented.
Dissemination will be sought through a specialised interface realised under WP11: “Web Portal”,
which is associated to the present project website
organized for the purpose. The publication will include statistical
outputs automatically generated on a regular basis, as well as a series
of commented reports that will start to appear from the second year of
the project.
A specific plan under WP14: “Dissemination”
will focus on the organization of seminars, publications and plenary
sessions according to the highest standards for EU projects. A
monograph presenting an analytical overview of the results of the
project in a European perspective will be published.
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