The Third Annual Meeting included an explanation of the study design and a series of clinical appraisals of BIRO reports from 18 EU countries. Presentations revised in an academic style the literature on specific topics of quality of care of diabetes, covering all indicators delivered by the BIRO System. The Annual Meeting included presentations of BIRO reports from 18 countries, followed by the Second BIRO Academy Residential Course organized in collaboration with the International Diabetes Federation. Lectures from a faculty of distinguished speakers, including Prof.John Lachin from George Washington University and the EU Commissioner John Dalli, were performed to support better planning of diabetes information in Europe and beyond. The international audience including representatives from Barbados, China, Cuba, Lebanon and Tanzania. The following contributions have been presented on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium: T.Di Iorio, "Cross-border flow of health information: is "privacy by design" sufficient to obtain complete and accurate data for public health in Europe? The case of BIRO/EUBIROD diabetes registers" (Workshop); F.Carinci, "A European model for the automatic production of standardized performance indicators: the BIRO statistical engine" (Oral Presentation); F.Storms, "Towards a European Diabetes Information System: twenty years of progress from St.Vincent Declaration to EUDIP, EUCID, BIRO and EUBIROD. Are we getting closer?" (poster). On behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium, F.Carinci presented under the theme "Quality and Efficiency: Measurement" the abstract "A Novel International Framework for Privacy-Enhanced Data Processing, Exchange, and Pooled Analysis of Disease Registers: The European BIRO/EUBIROD Projects" EUBIROD partners presented the results of the application of the BIRO System The abstract "A novel framework for the routine production of EU indicators: the BIRO system" (Carinci, Baglioni, Di Iorio, Rossi, Azzopardi, Beck, Cunningham, Skeie, Olympios, Pruna, Massi Benedetti on behalf of the BIRO Consortium) has been presented as a poster The BIRO project has been nominated by a high profile evaluation committee among the the best six initiatives "in more than one European country that have contributed in a clear and significant way to meet challenges in public health and to ameliorating disparities in health services provision within Europe" The abstract entitled "Monitoring diabetes outcomes across Europe, and beyond: the EU DG SANCO funded EUBIROD project" was presented by F.Carinci on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium. Prof. M.Massi Benedetti and F.Carinci attended the meeting The Dasman Center for Research and Treatment of Diabetes hosted the first Residential Course of BIRO Academy. Representatives from all EUBIROD Countries attended lecture and practical sessions about the BIRO approach and its implementation EUBIROD Coordinating Centre was invited at the information day on the 2009 Call for Proposals of the EC's public health programme |