Carinci F, Štotl I, Cunningham SG, Poljicanin T, Pristas I, Traynor V, Olympios G, Scoutellas V, Azzopardi J, Doggen K, Sandor J, Adany R, Løvaas KF, Jarosz-Chobot P, Polanska J, Pruna S, de Lusignan S, Monesi M, Di Bartolo P, Scheidt-Nave C, C. Heidemann, Zucker I, Maurina A, Lepiksone J, Rossing P, Arffman M, Keskimäki I, Gudbjornsdottir S, Di Iorio CT, Dupont E, De Sabata S, Klazinga N and Massi Benedetti M,
Making use of comparable health data to improve quality of care and outcomes in diabetes: the EUBIROD review of diabetes registries and data sources in Europe, Front Clin Diabetes Healthc, 11 Oct 2021.
Di Iorio CT, Carinci F, Oderkirk J, Smith D, Siano M, de Marco DA, de Lusignan S, Hamalainen P, Massi Benedetti M,
A novel methodology to assess privacy, data governance and ethics in health information systems: Privacy and Ethics Impact
and Performance Assessment in the EU Bridge-Health Project, J Med Ethics, 2020 Mar 27.
Cunningham SG, Carinci F, Brillante M, Leese GP, McAlpine RR, Azzopardi J, Beck P, Bratina N,
Boucquet V, Doggen K, Jarosz-Chobot PK, Jecht M, Lindblad U, Moulton T, Metelko Ž, Nagy A, Olympios G,
Pruna S, Skeie S, Storms F, Di Iorio CT and Massi Benedetti M, Defining a European diabetes data dictionary
for clinical audit and healthcare delivery: core standards of the EUBIROD project, Methods of Information in Medicine, 2015 Dec 15;55(2).
Di Iorio CT, Carinci, F, Massi Benedetti M,
The Diabetes Challenge: from Human and Social Rights to the Empowerment of People with Diabetes,International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 4th edition, p.1105-1112, 2015, Wiley, New York.
Carinci F, Di Iorio CT, Massi Benedetti M,
Standardized information exchange in diabetes: integrated registries for governance, research and clinical practice,
Technological Advancements in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes, (Frontiers in Diabetes, vol 24), p.236-249, Basel, Karger, 2015.
Di Iorio CT, Carinci F, Oderkirk J,
Health Research and Systems’ Governance are at risk: should the right to data protection override health?
, J Med Ethics. 2014 Jul;40(7):488-92.
C.T.Di Iorio, F.Carinci, M.Brillante, J.Azzopardi, P.Beck, N.Bratina, S.G.Cunningham, C.De Beaufort, N.Debacker,
P.Jarosz-Chobot, M.Jecht, U.Lindblad, T.Moulton, Ž.Metelko, A.Nagy, G.Olympios, S.Pruna, M.Røder, S.Skeie, F.Storms, and M.Massi Benedetti,
Cross-border flow of health information: is “privacy by design” enough? Privacy performance assessment
in EUBIROD, European Journal of Public Health, 2013 Apr;23(2):247-53.
Pruna S, Purtill C, Massi Benedetti M, Carinci F, Di Iorio CT, Beck P, Cunningham S, Skeie S, Azzopardi J, Traynor V and Ionescu Tirgoviste C,
Screening for Diabetes Hypertension in newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes using a new technology that
carries out in minutes aggregated data analysis, Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2013, 15(2), p. 87–97.
Di Iorio CT, Carinci F,
Data Protection and Health Care Information Systems: Where is the Balance?,eHealth: Legal, Ethical and Governance Challenges, Springer Verlag, 2012.
C.T.Di Iorio, F. Carinci, V. Baglioni, J. Azzopardi, P. Beck, S. Cunningham, A. Evripidou, G. Leese, K. F. Loevaas, G. Olympios, M. Orsini Federici, P. Palladino, S. Pruna, S. Skeie, P. Taverner, V. Traynor, M. Massi Benedetti
Privacy Impact Assessment in the design of transational public health information system: the BIRO project, Journal of Medical Ethics, 2009, volume 35, issue 12, pagg. 753-761
Technical Reports
F.Carinci, M.Massi Benedetti on behalf of the EUBIROD Network et al.
Standardized Definitions and Calculation of Lower Extremity Amputation Rates in Diabetes for the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Project,
Room Document for the Second Annual Meeting of the OECD Expert Group of Health Care Quality Indicators, Paris, 2014.
F. Carinci , F. Stracci , F. Storms
Major and Chronic Diseases Report 2007- Executive Summary
"Diabetes" section, Chapter 8, pagg. 18-19
F. Carinci , F. Stracci , F. Storms
Major and Chronic Diseases Report 2007
"Diabetes" section, Chapter 8, pagg. 117-137
Carinci F, Health information on chronic diseases for societal impact: a blueprint for population data platforms, IDF Global Conference 2017,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2017.
Carinci F, Uccioli L, Massi Benedetti M, Klazinga N, A comparison of diabetes related amputation rates in OECD countries over 2000-2013: results of a new methodology,
IDF Global Conference 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2017.
Di Iorio CT, Carinci F, Massi Benedetti M, The Diabetes Challenge: From Human and Social Rights to the Empowerment of People with Diabetes,
IDF Global Conference 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 2017.
Teti A, Gabrys L, Ziese T, Scheidt-Nave C, Heidemann C, Schmidt C, Wolf I, Du Y, Paprott R, Baumert J, Gregg EW,
Geiss L, Mainz J, Jørgensen M, Johnson J, Carinci F, Wild S,
"Proceedings of the International Workshop
‘Development of a National Diabetes Surveillance System in Germany: Core Indicators and Conceptual Framework’ , Berlin, Germany,11–12/72016,
BMC Proceedings, 2017; 11(Suppl 3):3.
Carinci F,
Does a coherent and sustainable European health information infrastucture really matter? Question marks and policy options, in EUPHA 2015 Workshop:
Health information in Europe. Quo vadis?, Bridge Health Consortium, 8th European Public Health Conference,
“Health in Europe – from global to local policies, methods and practices”, 14-17 October 2015, MiCo, Milan, Italy, European Journal of Public Health, 25,
Suppl.3, 2015.
Carinci F, Uccioli L, Carle F, Brownwood I, Klazinga N and Massi Benedetti M, Results of a new methodology to compare diabetes related amputation rates in OECD countries,
8th European Public Health Conference, Health in Europe – from global to local policies, methods and practices, 14-17 October 2015, MiCo, Milan, Italy.
Carinci F, Massi Benedetti M on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium, Pooled analysis of quality of care indicators
from diabetes registers of 19 European countries: results of the EUBIROD project, IDF World Diabetes Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-6 December 2013.
Carinci F, Massi Benedetti M on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium,
A validated privacy enhanced statistical platform for global diabetes monitoring: design and use of the BIRO system across nineteen European countries,
IDF World Diabetes Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-6 December 2013.
S.Pruna, A.Bealle, C. na Purti, D.Licaroiu, D.Ocrain, S. Carniciu, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste
Practical use of the European best information through regional outcomes in diabetes
C.T.Di Iorio, F.Carinci on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium
Cross-border flow of health information: is “privacy by design” sufficient to obtain complete and accurate data for public health in Europe? The case of BIRO/EUBIROD diabetes registers
EUPHA Conference 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12th November 2010.
F.Carinci, L.Rossi
A European model for the automatic production of standardized performance indicators: the BIRO statistical engine
EUPHA Conference 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12th November 2010.
F.Storms, F.Carinci, C.De Beaufort, M.Massi Benedetti on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium
Towards a European Diabetes Information System: from St.Vincent Declaration to EUDIP, EUCID, BIRO and EUBIROD. Are we getting closer?
EUPHA Conference 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12th November 2010.
F.Carinci on behalf of the EUBIROD Consortium
A Novel International Framework for Privacy-Enhanced Data Processing, Exchange, and Pooled Analysis of Disease Registers: The European BIRO/EUBIROD Projects
Academy Health Research Meeting 2010, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2010.
F. Carinci, V. Baglioni, C.T. Di Iorio, L. Rossi, J. Azzopardi, P. Beck, S. Cunningham, S. Skeie, G. Olympios, S. Pruna, M. Massi Benedetti
A novel framework for the routine production of EU indicators: the BIRO system
European Working Conference on Health Services Research, The Hague, Netherlands, April 2010.
F. Carinci, M. Massi Benedetti, EUBIROD Consortium Monitoring diabetes outcomes across Europe, and beyond: the EU DG SANCO funded EUBIROD project
Abstract Book of the IDF World Diabetes Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 October 2009, D-0721, pag. 242
P. Beck , P. Perner , S. Pruna , S. Cunningham , P. Palladino , F. Carinci
Ensuring secure data transmission in the BIRO infrastructure for comparing international diabetes indicators
33rd Romanian National Diabetes Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 16-19 May 2007
P. Palladino , M. Orsini Federici , F. Carinci , M. Massi Benedetti
Regional Register Diabetes Mellitus 33rd Romanian National Diabetes Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 16-19 May 2007
S. Cunningham
Best Information through Regional Outcomes: Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary
Annual Professional Conference 2008, Glasgow, Scotland, 5-7 March 2008
F. Carinci, J. Azzopardi, V. Baglioni, P. Beck, S. Cunningham, S. Skeie, G. Olympios, S. Pruna, V. Traynor, M. Massi Benedetti, BIRO Consortium.
A novel standard to support information delivery for the fulfilment of IDF policy in Europe:
results of the EU DG SANCO funded BIRO project
Abstract Book of the IDF World Diabetes Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 October 2009, O-0402, pag.139
F. Carinci, L. Rossi, M. Massi Benedetti, BIRO Consortium
An open source statistical engine for the
automatic production of standardized diabetes indicators within and across regions: results of the BIRO project
Abstract Book of the IDF World Diabetes Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 October 2009, P-1604, pag. 543
C. Di Iorio, F. Carinci, J. Azzopardi, P. Beck, S. Cunningham, S. Skeie, G. Olympios, S. Pruna, M. Massi Benedetti, BIRO Consortium
Defining the best architecture for secure data exchange of diabetes information
in Europe: privacy impact assessment in the BIRO project
Abstract Book of the IDF World Diabetes Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 October 2009, P-1609, pag. 545

A novel framework for the routine production of EU indicators: the BIRO system
Poster presented at the European Working Conference on Health Services Research, 8-9th April 2010, The Hague, the Netherlands |

Monitoring diabetes outcomes across Europe, and beyond: the EU DG SANCO funded EUBIROD project
Poster presented at the IDF World Diabetes Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 October 2009 |
Poster presented at the Information Day on the 2009 Call for Proposals of the EC's public health programme, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 18 March 2009 |
Best Information through Regional Outcomes. A European Network to enhance monitoring of quality and outcomes in diabetes care
Poster presented at the 19th IDF Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 3rd-7th December 2006 |
Third Party
Final Report of WP3 ADVANCE Project. D3.5. White paper: procedures for data access, sharing, linkage and integration, including privacy and ethics - March 2017 |
OECD Publications. Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes HCQI Expert Group, June 2015 |
T.Tamayoa, J.Rosenbauera, S.H.Wildb, A.M.W.Spijkermanc, C.Baanc, N.G.Forouhid, C.Herdere, W.Rathmann.
IDF Diabetes Atlas. Diabetes in Europe: an update. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2013
J.Oderkirk. Strengthening health information for healthcare quality governance HCQI Expert Group, April 2013 |
Diabete: Pistoia nel Progetto EUBIROD Il Tirreno, June 2012 |
Health for the EU in 33 success stories European Commission, May 2012 |
B.Zander, R.Busse. Coordination with European and International Health Data Initiatives EUROReach Workpackage 2, March 2012 |
B.Zander, R.Busse. Improving International Comparative Patient- and Disease-oriented Research: Access to Existing Data and Success Factors EUROReach Poster, March 2012 |
Diabetes Indicators ECHIM Project, March 2012 |
EUBIROD Project EU Registry of Projects in Health Information, March 2012 |
Newsletter Centro Studi SID, December 2011 |
The EUBIROD project International Diabetes Federation Newsletter, P.2-3, January 2011 |
B.Zander, R.Busse. Improving International Comparative Patient- and Disease-oriented Research: Access to Existing Data and Success Factors
EUROReach Project Presentation, July 2011 |
Carinci F, Di Iorio CT, Ricciardi W, Klazinga N and Verschuuren M on behalf of the European Public Health Experts Workshop on Privacy Protection,
The position of the European Public Health Experts Workshop on Privacy Protection on the revision of the EU Data Protection Directive
Response to EU Consultation on the Revision of the EU Privacy Directive, January 2011 |
EUBIROD: Dijabetes se u Hrvatskoj liječi modelom koji može biti europski uzor Metro Portal, January 2011 |
Improving Value in Health Care OECD, Paris, P.90, 2010 |
Conoscere il diabete in Europa attraverso le «lenti» dei registri regionali: il progetto Eubirod parla italiano, F.Carinci e M.Massi Benedetti
Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, P.96-101, March 2010 |
European Health Award: Shortlisted Projects
Gastein European Health Forum, October 2009 |
"Italian team at Dasman Center for the research on Diabetes" Arab Times, 2nd June 2009 |
BIRO: Better data on diabetes? Kajsa Wilhelmsson Blog, May 2009 |
"Dasman Center offers access to diabetic data" Al Watan Life,14th June 2009 |
"Alarming jump in GCC diabetes cases focus of debate at confab" Arab Times, 4th May 2009 |
"Number of patients on the increase Mideast 'hottest zone' for diabetes" Quwait Times, 4th May 2009 |
Global Monitoring of Quality of Diabetes Care IDF Atlas, 4th Edition, March 2009 |
A good indication from EUCID Public Service Review, February 2009 |
EUGLOREH Project. Diabetes: Future Perspectives The status of health in the European Union: Totwards a healthier Europe, 2007 |